Saison 1 | Episode 5: Das Matschkugel-Wettschießen

Die Tigerentenbande

Adaptation littéraire/Aventure, Allemagne 2010

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Once a year Slamy Bamy Footle Pitch hosts the famous mud ball competition. All Oberfimmlers are there, whether as mud ball shooter or as spectator. All Oberfimmlers? No, one must not go to the old western town: Hannes Strohkopp. Birkenpappel has given him a very mean and very extensive detention. But then the Mouse Sheriff steals the Tiger Duck and will only give it back when Hannes defeats him in the competition...
Audio :

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Scénario :

Jan Strathmann

D'après :

Janosch (Based on the Characters of the Picture Books)

Titre original :

Die Tigerentenbande

Langue originale :


Autres titres :

Die Tigerenten Bande

Format :

16:9 SD, Couleurs

Âge conseillé :

A partir de 6 ans

Catégorie d'âge :


Audio :


Liens additionnels :


The Movie Database