Saison 1 | Episode 2

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Animation, Canada/France 1997

Hoping to get back into the good graces of the nobles, Prince John organises a big tournament in Ashby. The winner – whom John is counting on being Front-de-Boeuf – will have a place of honour at the head of the banquet table beside Lady Rowena. But Ivanhoe has no intention of letting his beloved be the subject to such infamy. So he participates in the tournament and takes first place. Despite John’s rage, Ivanhoe is at Lady Rowena’s side for the festivities.
23 min
FSK 12
Audio :

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Réalisation :

Alan Sion

Titre original :

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Langue originale :


Format :

16:9 HD, Couleurs

Catégorie d'âge :

FSK 12

Audio :


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