Saison 1 | Episode 16

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Animation, Canada/France 1997

Young Count William Lampton is on his way to the castle of his cousin, Fron-de-Boeuf, accompanied by a fat monk, Rudepanse. His mission is to deliver a strongbox full of gold and a narwhale’s tooth to Ivanhoe so these treasures can be added to King Rchard’s ransom fund. But after imprisoning William, Fron-de-Boeuf hands over the gold to Prince John, keeping the narwhale’s tooth for himself ... he’ll use its mystical powers to realise his dream – awakening Rowena’s love for him. Ivanhoe will foil Prince John and Fron-de-Boeuf plans with the help of his friend Robin Hood.
23 min
FSK 12
Audio :

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Réalisation :

Alan Sion

Titre original :

Ivanhoë - Chevalier du roi

Langue originale :


Format :

16:9 HD, Couleurs

Catégorie d'âge :

FSK 12

Audio :


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